Crochet Amigurumi Course

Craft Your Own Amigurumi Masterpiece


Enroll today for a personalized learning experience!

To whom is it addressed? 🎨🧸

To those who love to crochet but is a beginner, to those who have never never tried it and would like to start, all ages adults and children from the age of 10 years.

What will we do? ✨🪡

Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this course is perfect for you. I'll teach you the basic stitches that will enable you to dive into the world of Amigurumi. If you already have experience, I'll help you refine your technique for more exciting and creative projects, allowing your imagination to run wild! We'll start from the very beginning, ensuring you become familiar with the art of amigurumi, and gradually progress to creating more complex crochet projects with multiple parts.

Let's dive into the details, shall we?
🏷️ 20 € 🕘 By appointment 🔢 Max. 10 pax

Book your spot here
Mobile +39 348 570 1214


Feel free to reach out to me or give me if you have any questions. I´m looking forward to design and crochet with you!


Contact Details: 


Mobile +39 348 570 1214


email: | Mobile +393426029054



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